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Conversational Email’s Capabilities and How It Impacts Marketing and Sales 

4 min
A sales representative uses Conversational Email to quickly craft a personalized sales email

6sense’s Conversational Email contains a treasure trove of features that solve numerous common business development challenges for revenue teams, like: 

  • Quickly responding to inbound leads
  • Qualifying leads more efficiently
  • Generating more opportunities through personalized email outreach
  • Reducing the number of manual tasks associated with your email strategy  

Let’s look at a few of those Conversational Emails capabilities and unpack how they impact both marketing and sales.  

Respond Quickly to Inbound Leads 

Time spent qualifying an inbound lead is time that can be better spent progressing an actual opportunity or fine-tuning a high-impact marketing campaign. Individual inbound leads only convert at around a rate of 12%; that means a lot of wasted time and resources go into qualifying inbound leads. 

Conversational Email takes on the burden of qualifying these inbound leads by using AI to respond and handle initial conversations.  

Your AI email assistant will: 

  • Reply to inbound leads with a series of predetermined questions 
  • Use answers to provide additional resources or encourage the prospect to book a meeting 
  • Engage and qualify your leads at scale to identify genuine buyers and route them to sales

Benefit for Marketing 

Inbound leads can be a source of both pride and frustration for marketers. Devising lead scoring models can eat up valuable time for your marketing operations team. And few things are more frustrating than learning that not all of your leads are receiving quick and thorough follow-up. Sellers prefer (rightly) to spend their time progressing deals, so when time is short and tasks have to be prioritized, marginal leads sometimes receive marginal attention. That’s money down the drain that makes marketing metrics look weaker than they could be.  

Conversational Email’s AI assistant allows you to set up AI agents that act as virtual BDRs who handle the inbound qualification process.  

Through strong integrations with Salesforce and HubSpot, the conversations and interactions prospects have with the AI email assistant are automatically synced, keeping you up to date on the customer journey. 

Benefit for Sales 

Sellers only spend 28% of their time selling. The rest is spent on non-selling activities like researching prospects and trying to generate leads. Imagine if you could free up your BDRs and AEs to solely focus on the prospects and opportunities that are a higher priority (i.e. those in your ICP and showing buying intent)? 

With an email AI assistant, sellers will only get looped in when aprospect has shown they’re ready to engage and a human is needed. No more wasted time on inbound leads who are clearly not a fit.  

Personalize At Scale 

Personalization is the key to any sales and marketing interaction. Today’s buyer wants — nay, demands — that their specific needs and wants are considered when interacting with a vendor.  

This can be difficult for organizations with hundreds or thousands of opportunities. Conversational Email solves this issue by unlocking quick, large-scale personalization through AI. 

Conversational Email can draw from insights about your buyers in order to inject specific, personalized data into every single email.  

As a standalone product, Conversational Email can tap into connected data sources (such as your CRM and audience segments), to create personalized emails. 

But the true mind-bending personalization capabilities unlock when you pair Conversational Email with your data and the 6sense SignalVerse™ to pull in intent data, buying stage awareness, and up-to-date company intelligence. 

6sense reveals buying behavior like

  • The pages on your website they visit 
  • The products and tools they’re searching for 
  • Specific information about their company (like the technology they use or financial performance) 
  • Where they are in their buying journey 

Instead of rote, generic “personalization” trawled up on LinkedIn, Conversational Email gives your target audiences real personalization. It’s AI that feels less artificial and much more intelligent. 

Benefit for Marketing 

No more generic nurture campaigns with anemic conversion rates. Marketing is responsible for keeping a ton of different plates spinning in the air through email campaigns; but without the right tools it’s impossible to personalize each email in each campaign. 

Conversational Email makes it possible for one marketer to spin up dozens of campaigns, all injected with critical buyer data, increasing the likelihood of a reader engaging with that email. 

Benefit for Sales 

Sellers have only so much time in the day, and they know that the more bites at the apple they get, the better.  

Conversational Email gives them many more bites by freeing them up to focus on presentations, multi-threading, or other high-impact activities. By automating and personalizing initial outreach, warming up cold leads, and doing some initial sifting to figure out who wants to book a meeting and who isn’t yet ready to chat, Conversational Email allows sellers to prioritize other revenue-driving activities without missing any opportunities.  

Automate and Personalize Tedious Campaigns  

There are some campaigns that all organizations have to run: event invites and follow-up, webinar promotions, re-engaging cold or dead leads. But those all take critical hours to spin up and manage. 

Conversational Email includes pre-built common playbooks that you can quickly launch. And instead of firing off a generic “thanks for attending” email, Conversational Email can deliver hundreds or thousands of personalized emails specific to each attendee — making it more likely the recipient responds and engages.  

Benefit for Marketing 

Instead of sending emails with generic offers Conversational Email lets you nurture leads by infusing personalized content recommendations or other offers that speak directly to each individual reader.  

With Conversational Email-assisted campaigns, marketing can start increasing the impact they have on pipeline generation. 

Benefit for Sales 

The B2B buying journey is long, and it’s not unusual for prospects to pop up and disappear repeatedly like a turtle in a stream. Formerly lost opportunities and cold leads still represent real chances for revenue, but the low rate at which they end up converting makes it hard to commit resources.  

Conversational Email keeps the sun shining on these leads while delivering them the same high-level selling experience as top prospects. When they eventually resurface and want to learn more, the AI email assistant will alert a seller, and even book a meeting for them. 


6sense’s Conversational Email is a super-charged, AI-powered platform that revolutionizes the way marketing and sales deliver personalized email experiences. 

By infusing critical buyer insights into every email sent, and automating the campaigns that eat up precious time, your teams can unlock new levels of engagement with all your buyers. 

Interested in seeing Conversational Email in action? Check out a demo here. 

The 6sense Team

6sense helps B2B organizations achieve predictable revenue growth by putting the power of AI, big data, and machine learning behind every member of the revenue team.

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