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The Tipalti Sales Team Takes Prospecting to the Next Level with 6sense

San Mateo, CA
Revenue AI for Sales


increase in created opportunities


of additional pipeline created


in opportunities in just one quarter

Tipalti, a leading accounts payable software solution, revolutionizes supplier payments by automating processes for thousands of companies across diverse industries. 

Spearheading their remarkable success is Peter Tarrant, who took on the role of Senior Manager of Account-based Marketing at Tipalti five years ago. With a keen strategic vision, Peter has meticulously crafted a go-to-market strategy that seamlessly aligns sales and marketing efforts.

To bolster their marketing and sales endeavors, Tipalti adopted 6sense, which has resulted in a staggering 57% increase in created opportunities and $635k of additional pipeline generated

Peter further explains the pivotal role 6sense plays in optimizing Tipalti’s personalized outreach while fostering unity among revenue team members.

The Challenge

Tipalti’s main challenge before implementing 6sense was a lack of strategy and information, mainly due to a small revenue team. 

Peter explains, “I was the first ABM hire, so the marketing and sales team were small. There wasn’t as much of a strategy as there is now.” 

Tipalti faced another common challenge of targeting many different industries, each with unique needs for their accounts payable processes. A large target audience can make it difficult for marketers and sellers to create highly personalized outreach.

Peter says they brought on 6sense to provide more comprehensive data than what was available in their previous ABM platform. 

“When we were using Terminus, our salespeople weren’t able to see as much information as they needed to. 6sense changed that,” Peter says.

The Solution: 6sense Revenue AI™ for Sales and Orchestrations

Now, all salespeople have access to 6sense. Peter says one of the first steps was training every sales team member on the 6sense platform. 

Tipalti then accelerated 6sense usage into display ad campaigns and synced audiences to LinkedIn for dynamic targeting. 

“The fact that we can create segments based off of buying stage and can serve customers different content as they progress automatically within 6sense is huge for us,” Peter says. 

The final step in Tipalti’s 6sense rollout involved 6sense Orchestrations and Revenue AI for Sales, which has improved sellers’ and marketers’ ability to automate personalized messages at the right time.

How Tipalti Leverages Revenue AI for Sales™

“6sense is built directly into our prospecting and sales strategy,” Peter says. 

Here’s how Tipalti sales team members use 6sense: 

  • Sales development representatives (SDRs) use intent data and daily Slack alerts to guide account activity and outreach. The Slack alerts inform SDRs when accounts visit Tipalti’s website or research specific keywords, allowing them to respond with the right message at the right time. 
  • Revenue AI for Sales equips SDRs with deep insights into how and when key personas within certain accounts engage with Tipalti. SDRs use this engagement timeline to analyze recent spikes in activity and intent keywords that can be tailored to personalized outreach.
  • The marketing team has a suggested content matrix for SDRs to refer to when an account researches a particular keyword. This matrix contains specific pieces of content to send based on the intent keywords being searched, allowing the SDRs to craft personalized messaging accordingly.

“With so many different industries that have different needs, having insights into what is being researched to know exactly how to personalize messaging has been a game-changer,” Peter says. 

With 6sense Revenue AI for Sales, sellers can view buyer persona maps and are told exactly who they should be reaching out to based on intent score, engagement score, buying stage, and profile fit. 

Access to this information has saved sellers from wasting time reaching out to dead-end accounts. 

“It got to a point where we were sending messages that didn’t result in action. Now 6sense segments break down accounts based on intent and engagement score. Our lists are smaller but create better results,” Peter says. 

Marketing Joins the Team

Tipalti marketers have seen continued success with 6sense display campaigns, bringing in more than $250,000 in opportunities in just one quarter

Marketing uses 6sense to deliver different display ads and messaging depending on where the prospect is in the buying journey: target, awareness, consideration, or purchase. The Tipalti marketing team also uses targeted display ads for events. Before a specific event, the marketing team begins tracking keywords particular to the event that they might not normally track, and uses that audience to target and personalize outreach.

Tracking Account-Based Metrics

Peter says 6sense makes reporting easier with profound insights, illuminating their static CRM data with a detailed view of an account’s actions and where they are in their buying journey.

“The best part for the sales team is the dynamic element of the 6sense data, allowing for both flexible reporting and a consistently and automatically updated list of account activity for the sales team to determine the best actions to follow up with,” Peter explains. Although Tipalti’s sales and marketing teams were well-aligned before 6sense, having a single source of truth in 6sense strengthened the bond between the two teams even further.

The Results

“6sense, and its predictive capabilities, has made things more visual. Seeing and having full visibility into the activity has been a big part of our success,” Peter says. The sales team proactively uses it in their day-to-day efforts, and no one has to check on the usage metrics because it is constantly referenced in daily conversations and meetings.

With 6sense’s data and insights, the Tipalti team:

  • saw a 57% increase in created opportunities and $635k of additional pipeline generated
  • used keyword searches to customize messaging
  • brought in over $250K in opportunities in one quarter through personalized display ads
  • strengthened the connection across the revenue team

Peter put it simply: “It’s a tool that salespeople love, and as a marketer, that’s the best thing you can ask for.”

About the Customer

Tipalti is a global payables automation platform that streamlines the accounts payable workflow. Tipalti helps businesses manage supplier onboarding, invoice processing, tax compliance, payment remittance, and reconciliation, all while ensuring regulatory compliance and reducing the risks of manual errors. With Tipalti, organizations can simplify their payment operations and scale efficiently, enabling them to focus on strategic growth and financial management.

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Activate relevant and efficient audience targeting, with industry-leading account identification, intent data and predictive models.