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Small & Midsize

How CoreView Transformed Their Digital Strategy with 6sense

Alpharetta, GA
Revenue AI for Marketing


increase in account engagement


view-through rate


click-through rate

CoreView helps enterprise organizations avoid security risks, cut operating costs, and improve productivity across the SaaS applications they use.

In early 2020 it became evident that there was a shift happening throughout the world — something Tahlor DiCicco, CoreView VP’s of Global Marketing, calls a “forced digital transformation” — they knew they had to adjust to this new era to continue delivering on their brand promise.

And they succeeded. With the help of 6sense, they launched two new campaigns designed for this forced digital world and saw:

  • an average increase of 3x in account engagement.
  • a view-through rate (VTR) of 14.28 in one campaign, and
  • a CTR of 4.18 in the other

The Challenge

CoreView was founded in Milan, so they saw the impact of COVID-19 early on when the epicenter of the outbreak was in Europe.

Tahlor and team decided to gear up for what they anticipated to be a transformational pivot to a virtual workforce in the United States. Tahlor said they asked themselves, “How can we pivot early-on from our traditional messaging around who we are and what we do, and instead adopt and incorporate a remote angle into our messaging?”

With the help of 6sense, CoreView was able to successfully pivot their digital campaigns to reflect a more relevant message, and also bring a new offer to market.

Becoming a Remote Work Thought Leader

Seeing the shift to remote and digital, CoreView was intent on building a tech stack that would enable them to be a thought leader.

The CoreView team had spent a majority of Q1 in 2020 developing messaging and ad groups around the three main benefits of their platform: improving productivity, cutting operating costs, and avoiding security risks.

They were building an account-based strategy around what they called “Project 10k/5k” — consisting of their top EMEA accounts with more than 5k employees and top U.S. accounts with more than 10k employees.

They built 6sense segments to launch display campaigns on their Project 10k/5k accounts, as well as an additional “10k+” segment for any accounts that fell outside that range but were still showing intent.


As they were about to press ‘Go’ and launch their campaigns, everything changed.

The CoreView team was forced to immediately pivot their campaigns. In a matter of days, they shifted to overlay their current messaging around the main CoreView benefits to an emphasis on the remote work angle.

They even brought a new offering to market, giving away a portion of their product to help government agencies and global organizations get up and running faster on their SaaS products. These new display campaigns and the new offering were all launched through 6sense, and they were able to see successful results within days.

The Results

The remote work campaign and initial campaign launching their new offering saw immediate results.

  • Both campaigns showed an average increase of 3x in account engagement.
  • The project 10k/5k segment had a VTR of 14.28.
  • The Remote Work campaign’s display ads had a CTR of 4.18.

Tahlor was over-the-moon about the results as she explained, “It’s amazing for us to see [with 6sense] who’s interacting with us, and now that we’ve launched display, the view-through and click-through metrics are next-level!”

About the Customer

CoreView helps enterprise organizations avoid security risks, cut operating costs, and improve productivity across the SaaS applications they use.

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