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The Asset Management Playbook for Account-Based Marketing & Sales 

A guide for revenue teams at Asset Management firms to drive AUM growth.
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Chapter 1


Chapter 2

3 Use Cases for Marketing in Asset Management

Chapter 3

3 Use Cases for Sales in Asset Management

Chapter 4


Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Sales and marketing teams at asset management firms are working toward the same goals: more clients and higher AUM. But the best path forward isn’t always clear because of a lack data and tools to help teams focus on the best and most timely opportunities. 

With no clear indication of which institutions and financial advisors are seeking solutions, marketing and sales teams are left to follow their best guesses. 

Marketing runs broad-based campaigns targeting companies based on firmographic (industry, revenue, etc.) data. Relationship managers often focus on predefined account lists set at the beginning of the year. 

Both teams are missing out on a huge opportunity to remove guesswork, narrow their focus, and win more clients. 

The key lies within “The Dark Funnel.” That’s what 6sense calls all the anonymous research activity buyers conduct before they fill out a form to reveal themselves to sellers.  

When buyers do anonymous online research, they leave behind breadcrumbs that can reveal which companies they represent and the topics those companies care about. 6sense captures these details so you know who to target and what to say. 

In this guide, we’ll show you three simple 6sense use cases for both marketers and relationship managers, and exactly how they’d work for your firm. 

The Traditional Approach No Longer Works
of the client’s journey is done anonymously.
0 %
of website visitors fill out forms.
0 %
of target accounts are in-market to buy.
0 %
of deals are won by the first firm a client contacts.
0 %

6sense Can Point You Toward Clients Who Are Ready To Engage

If we just knew when clients were in-market (looking for solutions), sales and marketing would be so much easier. Thankfully, intent data tools like 6sense provide this insight.

6sense pulls together data from 3rd party internet research (such as what keywords or topics people are researching on the internet) with data that you already own (website, CRM). The data is then matched to specific accounts, which lets you see when clients are in-market, and which products they’re interested in. We can also help you identify buying team members and how to contact them.

Chapter 2

Use Cases for Marketing in Asset Management

1. Measure and improve marketing efficiency by targeting the right firms.


You’re launching a new ETF product. 


Previously, marketing campaigns have been broad and generalized with low conversion rates.


You build a 6sense segment of investors that have been researching passive ETFs.


Only interested investors see ads and emails about this product, and your ROI on dollars spent on the campaign is 2x higher than it would’ve been.

6sense Advertising allows users to build custom segments to target in-market accounts across media channels.

2. Improve engagement by serving up relevant content.


Your firm wants to take a more personalized marketing approach to better engage clients.


The current marketing outreach is generic, with a “spray and pray” outreach technique. You may have some broad customer segments, but personalization is minimal.


Set up keywords to track your prospects’ online investment research. Some keywords could relate to investment vehicle (SMA, ‘40 Act fund, UCITS fund), asset class (investment grade, high yield, emerging markets, real estate), and investor type (retail, institutional).


Use the results to determine which investment products you should market to each prospect. Your content will always be relevant and on-point, and you’ll see higher engagement and conversion rates.

Custom keyword tracking, as depicted above, shows which keywords are surging in research, signifying intent. Users can track unlimited custom keywords and bucket them into keyword groups to scale.

3. Target firms while they’re considering your competitors.


A family office is researching products and specifically looking at tax-exempt muni funds.


The family office is researching competitors’ products online. Your firm offers a competing product with a strong track record.


You add the company to an awareness campaign that directs them to educational materials that highlight your firm’s expertise in asset class and tax-exempt muni funds.


The family office engages with your campaign and your product is now in their consideration.

Custom keywords are tracked to determine which accounts are researching your products or competitors. These segments can then be targeted with the respective offerings with native display ads and paid social integrations.

Custom keywords are tracked to determine which accounts are researching your products or competitors. These segments can then be targeted with the respective offerings with native display advertising and paid social integrations.

Chapter 3

3 Use Cases for Sales in Asset Management

1. Prioritize prospects who are actively searching for a fund manager.


You’re an internal wholesaler covering a large region in the country.


Due to the large territory, it’s not realistic to manually determine which accounts are ready for outreach.


Configure the dashboard view within your CRM to prioritize prospects that are in-market based on recent activities such as website visits, companies and keywords researched, and more.


Guesswork is removed. You know which prospects you should engage with now, setting you up for much more productive outreach.

Account details page, embedded within your CRM, display relevant account information, like intent keywords researched and which web pages are being visited, where your sellers already work.

2. Act at the right time on real investor interest with personalized outreach.


A registered investment advisor you’ve been prospecting for years appears to be searching for a new ESG fund.


The RIA hasn’t reached out to your firm directly.


You’ve configured real-time email alerts to notify you when your prospects show increased intent or relevant activity. In the past week, the RIA has been researching ESG and investment managers with ESG offerings.


You email your contact to share your firm’s most recent ESG thought leadership piece and ask if they would like to schedule time to discuss your firm's ESG-focused ETFs and mutual funds. The contact books a meeting thanks to your relevant and timely outreach.

Setup custom alerts for reps to be notified via email and slack about recent web visits, account details, and online activities like intent, buying stage, and contact engagement.

3. Leverage market insights to cross-sell different investment products to existing clients.


A large client has a US Investment Grade Credit mandate with your firm. They’re unhappy with their other manager who manages their equity portfolio and are looking for a replacement.


It's been a while since their last investment review, so they haven’t shared this information with you yet.


You see from 6sense keyword research that they’ve been researching other equity managers online, so you schedule a check-in with them.


During the check-in, you’re able to proactively discuss your firm's equity offerings and capabilities before competitors.

See which intent keywords and keyword groups a specific contact is researching and find their contact information with ease to conduct your outreach.

Chapter 4


These use cases are just a sampling of plays your teams can employ to drive asset flows. Join the growing ranks of asset management firms and other financial services firms using 6sense.

Dive deeper into our extensive content libraries featuring customer stories, blogs, and additional guides below. 

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