It might be the only marketing channel you can use to effectively reach prospects when they’re actively doing something else.
It’s one of the reasons podcasting has taken off in the past couple years, and has accelerated in popularity and consumption during the COVID lockdown. It’s the perfect medium to consume while driving, walking, running, doing chores or errands, etc.
So how do you take advantage as a B2B brand? And what objectives does it serve in the first place?
These and many more questions were discussed in detail at last week’s CMO Coffee Talk, featuring James Carbary of Sweet Fish Media and Rachel Downey of Share Your Genius.
A few highlights from the discussion:
- Podcasts are a great way to engage your target accounts. Invite your prospects to join the podcast and share their ideas and insights. Great way to make them look good while giving you time to engage with them early in the pipeline as well.
- Podcasts (especially those recorded with video) can be repurposed in numerous ways throughout your sales and marketing efforts.
- Key to making a podcasting habit stick is a good process. Create a checklist of steps for each podcast episode to increase consistency and effectiveness of your execution.
- Podcast episode headlines are critical – especially those that tell people to “start” or “stop” doing something.
- “Episode swapping” (basically “you come on our podcast and we’ll come on yours) is a great way to increase exposure and listeners from another like-minded audience.
- If you don’t want to commit to a “forever” podcast, start with a single short series of “season” that can have a specific beginning and end.
- Always listen to your own podcast episodes so you can hear what your listeners hear and get better.
- The right length of your podcast is exactly how long it takes to tell your story. Some podcasts are just a few minutes long, others run longer than an hour.
- Identify and focus on your podcast’s “superpower” – it is your topic? Format? The host? The community? Make that superpower the show’s anchor.
- Think of your podcast as a show – it’ll improve the quality of content, production and impact on your intended audience.
If you’re a marketing leader in your organization I’d like to invite you to our CMO Coffee Talk series, presented by 6sense and Heinz Marketing. It’s an informal but highly engaging drop-in interactive Zoom meeting Fridays at 8:00 am Eastern and another at 8:00 am Pacific.
Think of it as coffee with CMOs – you can participate actively or simply watch and read what others are thinking. Get registered with a hands-free calendar invite here.