BioCatch is a world-renowned leader in financial crime prevention powered by behavior biometric intelligence, which uses advanced analysis of a user’s physical and cognitive behavior to help banks protect consumers and their assets from fraud and cyberattacks.
Jonathan Daly joined the BioCatch team as Chief Marketing Officer in September 2022. He says 6sense has enabled them to more accurately educate banks and their buying teams about the benefits of their financial crime prevention portfolio. For example, BioCatch ran a 6sense campaign targeting 553 of the world’s largest banks, resulting in a 63% increase in accounts in the active engagement stage.
The Challenge
Before implementing 6sense, BioCatch’s main challenge was not having enough data to reach the right audience with a personalized message that resonated.
“We didn’t want to be on an ad platform where we were wasting even a penny showing ads to people who didn’t care or were not within our ICP,” Jonathan says.
Jonathan explains that BioCatch previously relied on more traditional marketing tactics, which resulted in unqualified leads. Without insights into real customer intent, a lot of effort was being wasted.
“We knew 6sense would give us clarity on which accounts to focus resources on, therefore unlocking more opportunities,” Jonathan says.
The Solution: Narrowed ICPs and 6sense Scoring
With 6sense BioCatch launched a more targeted, account-based model based on market signals and intent data. MarketBridge, an integrated digital marketing agency partnered with 6sense, helped BioCatch leverage 6sense as a foundational platform and build sophisticated one to few and one to many campaigns. They also supported multi-touch strategies and introduced a reporting framework on full-funnel marketing learnings.
BioCatch immediately started building out their ideal customer profiles (ICPs) with 6sense, which has enhanced their precision in targeting. BioCatch targets key personas within their respective ICPs with highly targeted marketing efforts.
“The more you narrow your ICP, the more precise you have to be in your marketing. 6sense has been instrumental in helping us achieve precision and make a quality impact on our ICP pipeline,” Jonathan says.
BioCatch also harnesses 6sense Predictive Analytics to continually refine their messaging, providing alignment with the evolving needs and intents of their potential customers. Predictive Analytics uses AI predictions to know where accounts are in the buying journey, making it easier for BioCatch to focus resources on the right buyers.
6sense Intent Scores further sharpen BioCatch’s precision when targeting accounts. A 6sense Intent Score measures an account’s readiness to buy on a scale of 1-100. The score is determined by how multiple members of an account consume and interact with your content and team.
The intent score maps directly with the 6sense platform’s pre-defined buying stages:
- Target Stage — For scores less than 20
- Awareness Stage — For scores between 20 and 49
- Consideration Stage — For scores between 50 and 69
- Decision Stage — For scores between 70 and 84
- Purchase Stage — For scores 85 and greater
Predictive Analytics and 6sense scoring inform BioCatch on which accounts are most likely to convert based on historical patterns, allowing them to maximize time and resources.
“6sense’s scoring is a game-changer. It gives us predictive intelligence around who could end up in our pipeline, guiding our strategic decisions,” Jonathan says.
BioCatch’s Pilot Campaign and Initial Results
MarketBridge played an integral role in launching BioCatch’s 6sense campaign in January 2023, which had an ambitious goal: move 553 top global banks from “unengaged” to “engaged” and move 60 accounts into a pipeline stage using an Account Based Experience (ABX) strategy.
Using 6sense, BioCatch created one-to-few, one-to-many, and one-to-one campaigns with over 200 segments built.
“6sense tells us what keywords those 553 banks are searching for. Then we use the platform to score those target accounts on intent and readiness to buy,” Jonathan explains.
Throughout this 6-month period, BioCatch used 6sense to launch highly personalized landing pages for audience segments. BioCatch also ran a multi-touch strategy, leveraging multiple media platforms such as 6sense Display Ads, LinkedIn, and Google, and aligned messaging to where accounts were in their buying journey.
In total, BioCatch created over 450 creative assets, launched 125 campaigns, and built over 10 landing pages. In six months, they achieved the following results:
- 5x increase in accounts in active pipeline stage
- 6% of the full target account list moved into the pipeline stage since March
- 63% increase in accounts in active engagement stage
In addition to a successful pilot campaign, 6sense continues to help BioCatch ‘spear fish’ their ICP and streamline account-based marketing efforts.
“What fascinates me as a communication geek and what excites me about 6sense is that it allows us to listen. If we’re patient and take the time to listen to the signals, we can understand what is meaningful to our buyers and who is a good fit for our product,” Jonathan says.