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Why Your Sellers are Missing Quotas (And What to Do About It)

3 min
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Missing sales quotas is a frustrating reality that plagues many sales teams — and its consequences are far reaching.

When targets are consistently missed, revenue generation falters, hindering your company’s financial health and growth prospects. The impact reverberates through your sales team, leading to frustration, decreased job satisfaction, and eventually, talent loss.  

But there’s good news: This doesn’t have to be your team’s story. By focusing on high-value leads and optimizing how your sellers spend their time, you can multiply sales opportunities by focusing on the activities that matter most. Below we’ll help you shift your focus from quantity to quality and qualification. 

Understanding the Problem 

To tackle the issue of missed quotas, it’s important to identify the underlying causes. One of the primary reasons sellers fail to meet their sales quotas is inefficient prospecting. Many sellers are hampered by time spent targeting low-value accounts, as well as scrambling to knit together information about accounts so they can reach the right people and tailor their pitch. These time sinks steal opportunities to have valuable conversations.  

Contributing factors include: 

  • Lack of focus on high-converting leads 
  • Misalignment between sales and marketing regarding account priorities 
  • Failure to use tools and data effectively to automate routine tasks 
  • Inefficiencies in managing time and resources 

By recognizing these underlying issues, sales leaders can begin to address the root causes of missed quotas. The key lies in shifting focus from merely increasing the number of leads and activities to maximizing the value of activities. 

Top considerations: 

  • Identifying and prioritizing qualified accounts 
  • Building thorough qualification processes that aren’t reliant on a single signal (like a form fill) 
  • Ensuring data is complete and systems are integrated so sellers don’t need to spend their time chasing down data and cleaning up data entries between platforms 

Concentrating on quality and qualification rather than quantity empowers sales reps to improve performance and consistently meet their targets.  

Actionable Strategies 

To overcome the challenges of missed quotas and inefficient prospecting, sales teams need to adopt smarter, more targeted approaches. These key strategies will help your team focus on high-converting leads and optimize sales efforts. 

  1. Focus on In-Market Accounts: Prioritize prospects who are actively showing buying signals, like multiple visits to product pages or downloading whitepapers related to your solution. Tools like 6sense help identify these in-market accounts by analyzing their digital behavior across the web. 
  2. Use Predictive Analytics: Identify the best moments for outreach with data-driven insights. Predictive analytics help you understand patterns in buyer behavior, allowing you to optimize the timing of your engagement efforts so you’re reaching out when prospects are ready to talk. 
  3. Harness the Power of Intent Data: Understanding buyer intent is crucial for relevant and impactful engagement. Use intent data to gain insights into prospects’ specific needs and pain points, tailoring your approach to demonstrate the value of your solution more effectively. 
  4. Optimize Contact Databases and Segmentation: Make sure you’re working with accurate, up-to-date contact information and implement robust audience segmentation for more targeted, personalized outreach.  
  5. Implement Multi-Thread Outreach: Engage multiple stakeholders within a target account to build consensus across complex buying committees and reach key decision-makers at various levels of the organization. 
  6. Use Advanced Email Tools: Consider implementing tools like Conversational Email to automate and personalize email campaigns at scale. These solutions help drive more responses and qualified meetings without requiring additional manual effort from your team. 
  7. Align with Marketing on Account Priorities: Working with the same set of data, you can ensure sales and marketing teams are targeting the same accounts. Collaborative efforts lead to more effective campaigns and a more cohesive engagement approach. 
  8. Automate Routine Tasks: Use AI-powered tools to streamline administrative tasks and data entry — freeing up your sales team to focus on high-impact activities like conducting discovery calls, crafting proposals, and nurturing buyer relationships. 


Consistently meeting quotas is within reach. Remember, success in sales isn’t about maximizing leads — it’s about maximizing opportunities. Embrace a data-driven approach and cutting-edge tools to empower your team and drive revenue growth.  

The 6sense Team

6sense helps B2B organizations achieve predictable revenue growth by putting the power of AI, big data, and machine learning behind every member of the revenue team.

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