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B2B Contact Database: What to Look For

4 min
Contact Database planning

A robust B2B contact database is the kindling that ignites opportunities by helping teams make meaningful connections to fuel business growth. 

Below we’ll share more about what a B2B contact database is, why it’s important, and how to fan the flames to heat up your growth efforts.  

What is a B2B Contact Database? 

A B2B contact database is a structured collection of contact data used to establish and maintain connections and drive business processes. This data typically includes: 

  • Names 
  • Job titles 
  • Phone number and email address 
  • Company name 
  • Industry details 
  • Company size 
  • Company revenue 

Companies use B2B contact databases to expand their reach by connecting with key decision makers in different industries. 

Some contact databases take a specific focus, such as: 

  1. Industry-Specific Databases: They help marketers target their campaigns more effectively by providing contacts that are relevant to their industry — such as technology, healthcare, or manufacturing — including details like company size, revenue, and industry-specific needs. 
  2. Geographical Databases: These are useful for businesses looking to target potential clients in specific regions or expand into new markets.  
  3. Role-Based Databases: These organize contacts based on job roles and responsibilities within their companies. For example, it might categorize contacts into groups like CEOs, CFOs, or IT Managers. 
  4. Technology-Based Databases: These databases focus on companies using specific technologies or platforms. 
  5. Size-Based Databases: These databases categorize businesses based on their size, such as small businesses, mid-market companies, or large enterprises. 
  6. Event-Driven Databases: These include contacts who have participated in specific events such as webinars, conferences, or trade shows.  

There are also comprehensive B2B contact databases that gather the information above, providing filters to help target specific groups of accounts or contacts.  

Benefits of Using a B2B Contact Database 

Investing in a comprehensive B2B contact database supports several business initiatives. 

  • Lead Generation: Target outreach more effectively with detailed contact information, reducing the time and resources spent on generating leads. 
  • Sales Efficiency: Directly connect with decision makers, bypassing gatekeepers to reduce sales cycles and close more deals. 
  • Targeting and Personalization: Tailor marketing and sales communications to meet the specific needs and interests of different prospects. 
  • Market Insights: Gain valuable insights into market trends and customer behavior to adapt strategies, offerings, and marketing messages. 
  • Marketing ROI: Target the right audience and eliminate wasted efforts on uninterested parties for better campaign ROI. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Identify and connect with potential partners, collaborators, and influencers within your industry. 
  • Compliance: Mitigate risks associated with business communications, ensuring you’re compliant with regulations like GDPR. 
  • Business Growth: Foster better relationships with informed messaging to steadily grow your business and expand market reach. 

How to Get the Most from a B2B Contact Database 

Getting the most from a B2B contact database requires a strategic process. You need to know who you want to reach. You need to make sure the data is reliable. You need to create audience segments so you can market effectively to the new contacts you have acquired.  

1. Identify your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) 

Define the characteristics of your ideal customers. Consider factors such as: 

  • Industry 
  • Company size 
  • Geographic location 
  • Job titles 

Understanding who your ideal customers are will help you build lists of high-value contacts without purchasing a lot of contact info for people who may not be key decision makers.  

2. Source Reliable Data 

Once you know who you are targeting, gather contact information from reliable sources like: 

  • Trade shows 
  • Networking events 
  • Industry directories 
  • Professional networking sites 
  • Subscription-based data services 

Make sure the data you collect is legitimate and compliant with data protection regulations. 

3. Use Technology to Your Advantage 

Implement tools and software designed for data collection and management.  

Forms can help capture first party data on the channels you control; deanonymization tools can help you identify accounts visiting your website, and data providers can augment your first-party data with contact information captures from a wide variety of public and third-party sources.  

Intent data can help you narrow down which companies and contacts to target.  

CRMs, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs), and Marketing Automation Platforms (MAPs) can help you keep data organized, help you communicate effectively, and track interactions with prospects. 

4. Verify and Cleanse Data 

Data accuracy is critical. Regularly verify the information in your CRM to ensure it’s correct and up to date. Remove duplicates, correct errors, and delete outdated records to improve the effectiveness of your outreach.  

5. Segment Your Database 

Organize your contacts into segments based on relevant criteria such as industry, company size, or engagement level. Segmentation allows for more targeted and personalized marketing efforts, which can lead to higher conversion rates. 

6. Integrate with Marketing and Sales Channels 

Create a unified ecosystem by integrating your customer data with existing sales and marketing platforms. This gives all teams access to the same up-to-date information, fostering collaboration and consistent customer engagement.  

7. Update Regularly 

A B2B contact database is not a “set and forget” tool. Monitoring is essential to keep the database useful and relevant — and ensure your compliance. Schedule regular check-ups to update contact details, add new data, and reassess your ICP if necessary. 

Choosing the Right B2B Contact Database 

Like with any tool, you want your database to be both reliable and effective. When selecting a provider, look for those that: 

  • Cover the geographic and industry-specific areas relevant to your business to align closely with your ICP. 
  • Regularly update the data and have measures in place to ensure data quality and accuracy. 
  • Comply with all relevant data protection regulations, with proper security protocols in place. 
  • Easily integrate with your existing CRM and marketing tools to reduce complexity and allow for more efficient data management. 
  • Have customization options to fit your specific needs and can scale as your business grows. 
  • Offer customer support and training resources to help your team use the database effectively. 
  • Provide value for the cost without compromising on quality and features. 

Challenges of Building a B2B Contact Database 

Building and maintaining a B2B contact database comes with some significant hurdles, like: 

  • Data decay as people change jobs, companies merge, or businesses shut down 
  • Ensuring data accuracy to facilitate effective marketing and sales efforts 
  • Compliance issues that can cause hefty fines or damage to your reputation 
  • Complex and time-consuming integration 
  • High costs for ongoing data verification, updates, and compliance measures 
  • Significant resources required to collect, maintain, and manage the database 


A well-maintained B2B contact database is what drives more informed business strategies — but it requires continuous attention and care.  

6sense integrates with your existing sales and marketing systems, providing solutions that support: 

  • Data enrichment 
  • Data accuracy 
  • Data compliance 

It mitigates challenges while boosting the impact of your database, driving operational efficiency and business growth. Don’t let opportunities smolder; stoke the fires and watch your efforts light up! 

Is it Time to Dump Your Data Vendor?

Feeling taken for granted? Trapped? You may be stuck in a bad relationship with your data vendor. Help is here.

The 6sense Team

6sense helps B2B organizations achieve predictable revenue growth by putting the power of AI, big data, and machine learning behind every member of the revenue team.

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