
MariaDB Xpand



MariaDB Xpand is a distributed SQL database with high availability, fault tolerance, and write scaling.

Relational Databases

Market Share of MariaDB Xpand

Current Customer(s)


Market Share (Est.)




Top Competitors and Alternatives of MariaDB Xpand

The top three of MariaDB Xpand’s competitors in the Relational Databases category are MySQL with 40.91%, PostgreSQL with 17.20%, Oracle Database with 11.51% market share.

TechnologyDomainsMarket Share (Est.)Versus page
MySQL13590940.91%MariaDB Xpand vs MySQL
PostgreSQL5715617.20%MariaDB Xpand vs PostgreSQL
Oracle Database3824111.51%MariaDB Xpand vs Oracle Database
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)176215.30%MariaDB Xpand vs Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
DB2171405.16%MariaDB Xpand vs DB2
SAP HANA157174.73%MariaDB Xpand vs SAP HANA
SAP Sybase104093.13%MariaDB Xpand vs SAP Sybase
SQLite102283.08%MariaDB Xpand vs SQLite
MariaDB72502.18%MariaDB Xpand vs MariaDB
Amazon Aurora42841.29%MariaDB Xpand vs Amazon Aurora
Amazon RDS for MySQL41381.25%MariaDB Xpand vs Amazon RDS for MySQL
Azure SQL Database37921.14%MariaDB Xpand vs Azure SQL Database
Oracle 11i25040.75%MariaDB Xpand vs Oracle 11i
Claris FileMaker10080.30%MariaDB Xpand vs Claris FileMaker
IBM Informix10000.30%MariaDB Xpand vs IBM Informix
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL9480.29%MariaDB Xpand vs Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
Amazon RDS for SQL Server6980.21%MariaDB Xpand vs Amazon RDS for SQL Server
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise4580.14%MariaDB Xpand vs Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
CockroachDB4190.13%MariaDB Xpand vs CockroachDB
Apache Phoenix4010.12%MariaDB Xpand vs Apache Phoenix

Popular Comparisons

Top Competitors and Alternatives of MariaDB Xpand

The top three of MariaDB Xpand’s competitors in the Relational Databases category are MySQL with 40.91%, PostgreSQL with 17.20%, Oracle Database with 11.51% market share.

MariaDB Xpand vs MySQL


MariaDB Xpand vs PostgreSQL


MariaDB Xpand vs Oracle Database


MariaDB Xpand vs Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)


MariaDB Xpand vs DB2


MariaDB Xpand vs SAP HANA


MariaDB Xpand vs SAP Sybase


MariaDB Xpand vs SQLite


Customers of MariaDB Xpand

Around the world in 2024, over 1029 companies have started using MariaDB Xpand as Relational Databases tool.

CustomersEmployee RangeCityRegionCountrySocial Links
Dell10,000+Round RockTexasUnited States
HCL Technologies Ltd10,000+NoidaUttar PradeshIndia
PT Matahari Department Store Tbk10,000+TangerangBantenIndonesia
Honeywell International, Inc.10,000+MorristownNew JerseyUnited States
Renesas Electronics Corporation10,000+TokyoTokyoJapan
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology10,000+NewtonMassachusettsUnited States
BAE Systems10,000+LondonEnglandUnited Kingdom
Parsons Corporation10,000+PasadenaCaliforniaUnited States
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.10,000+DallasTexasUnited States
Desjardins Group10,000+MontrealQuebecCanada

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MariaDB Xpand Customers by Products and Services

The top three products and services offering customers that use MariaDB Xpand for Relational Databases are Software Development (47), Consulting (35), Cybersecurity (34).


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MariaDB Xpand Customers by Employee Size

The majority of MariaDB Xpand's customers for the relational-databases category fall in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (192 companies), 100 - 249 employees (159 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (129 companies).

Employee Size

MariaDB Xpand Customers by Geography

The top three geographies of MariaDB Xpand for relational-databases are the United States with 331(45.22%), Germany with 77(10.52%), United Kingdom with 64(8.74%) customers respectively.


Employees of MariaDB Xpand


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Relational Databases


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top MariaDB Xpand competitors?

MariaDB Xpand’s Top competitors in the relational-databases category are MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database. You can view a full list of MariaDB Xpand competitors here. 6sense uses advanced data mining and AI algorithms to track customers and competitors of MariaDB Xpand and 40,000 other technologies on the internet. You can also compare MariaDB Xpand and its feature with top competitors here : MariaDB Xpand vs MySQL MariaDB Xpand vs PostgreSQL MariaDB Xpand vs Oracle Database.

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What is MariaDB Xpand customer distribution based on company size?

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What is MariaDB Xpand market share in the relational-databases?

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What are the top countries that use MariaDB Xpand?

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What are the top industries that use MariaDB Xpand?

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