
Google Cloud Firestore



Google Cloud Firestore is a flexible, highly scalable, NoSQL database for mobile, web, and server development from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform.

NoSQL Databases

Market Share of Google Cloud Firestore

Current Customer(s)


Market Share (Est.)




Top Competitors and Alternatives of Google Cloud Firestore

The top three of Google Cloud Firestore’s competitors in the NoSQL Databases category are MongoDB with 44.53%, NoSQL with 24.04%, Amazon DynamoDB with 10.15% market share.

TechnologyDomainsMarket Share (Est.)Versus page
MongoDB4734644.53%Google Cloud Firestore vs MongoDB
NoSQL2556324.04%Google Cloud Firestore vs NoSQL
Amazon DynamoDB1079610.15%Google Cloud Firestore vs Amazon DynamoDB
Apache Cassandra53735.05%Google Cloud Firestore vs Apache Cassandra
Hbase42053.95%Google Cloud Firestore vs Hbase
Amazon ElastiCache24942.35%Google Cloud Firestore vs Amazon ElastiCache
Couchbase23042.17%Google Cloud Firestore vs Couchbase
CouchDB15381.45%Google Cloud Firestore vs CouchDB
Apache Druid13401.26%Google Cloud Firestore vs Apache Druid
Google Cloud Bigtable7870.74%Google Cloud Firestore vs Google Cloud Bigtable
Aerospike6020.57%Google Cloud Firestore vs Aerospike
MarkLogic5730.54%Google Cloud Firestore vs MarkLogic
Google Cloud Datastore5570.52%Google Cloud Firestore vs Google Cloud Datastore
DataStax5300.50%Google Cloud Firestore vs DataStax
ArangoDB3460.33%Google Cloud Firestore vs ArangoDB
OrientDB3370.32%Google Cloud Firestore vs OrientDB
RethinkDB2840.27%Google Cloud Firestore vs RethinkDB
Domino 82630.25%Google Cloud Firestore vs Domino 8
Infinispan2180.21%Google Cloud Firestore vs Infinispan
Amazon SimpleDB920.09%Google Cloud Firestore vs Amazon SimpleDB

Popular Comparisons

Top Competitors and Alternatives of Google Cloud Firestore

The top three of Google Cloud Firestore’s competitors in the NoSQL Databases category are MongoDB with 44.53%, NoSQL with 24.04%, Amazon DynamoDB with 10.15% market share.

Google Cloud Firestore vs MongoDB


Google Cloud Firestore vs NoSQL


Google Cloud Firestore vs Amazon DynamoDB


Google Cloud Firestore vs Apache Cassandra


Google Cloud Firestore vs Hbase


Google Cloud Firestore vs Amazon ElastiCache


Google Cloud Firestore vs Couchbase


Google Cloud Firestore vs CouchDB


Customers of Google Cloud Firestore

Around the world in 2024, over 767 companies have started using Google Cloud Firestore as NoSQL Databases tool.

CustomersEmployee RangeCityRegionCountrySocial Links
Quantiphi1,000 - 4,999MumbaiMaharashtraIndia
Google LLC10,000+Mountain ViewCaliforniaUnited States
U.S. Department Of State10,000+RestonVirginiaUnited States
Macy's10,000+New York CityNew YorkUnited States
ADT, Inc.10,000+Boca RatonFloridaUnited States
Telkom Indonesia10,000+JakartaJakartaIndonesia
Renault SA10,000+Boulogne-BillancourtIle-de-FranceFrance
Stanford University10,000+StanfordCaliforniaUnited States
Vodafone Group Plc10,000+NewburyEnglandUnited Kingdom
ThoughtWorks10,000+BaltimoreMarylandUnited States

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Google Cloud Firestore Customers by Products and Services

The top three products and services offering customers that use Google Cloud Firestore for NoSQL Databases are Cloud Services (27), Digital Transformation (21), Data Analytics (20).


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Google Cloud Firestore Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Google Cloud Firestore's customers for the nosql-databases category fall in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (183 companies), 0 - 9 employees (122 companies), 10,000+ employees (89 companies).

Employee Size

Google Cloud Firestore Customers by Geography

The top three geographies of Google Cloud Firestore for nosql-databases are the United States with 293(51.58%), India with 67(11.80%), United Kingdom with 41(7.22%) customers respectively.


Employees of Google Cloud Firestore


Also see other Products/Services by Google Cloud Firestore in:

NoSQL Databases


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Google Cloud Firestore competitors?

Google Cloud Firestore’s Top competitors in the nosql-databases category are MongoDB, NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB. You can view a full list of Google Cloud Firestore competitors here. 6sense uses advanced data mining and AI algorithms to track customers and competitors of Google Cloud Firestore and 40,000 other technologies on the internet. You can also compare Google Cloud Firestore and its feature with top competitors here : Google Cloud Firestore vs MongoDB Google Cloud Firestore vs NoSQL Google Cloud Firestore vs Amazon DynamoDB.

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What is Google Cloud Firestore customer distribution based on company size?

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What is Google Cloud Firestore market share in the nosql-databases?

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What are the top countries that use Google Cloud Firestore?

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What are the top industries that use Google Cloud Firestore?

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