
webMethods Adapters



webMethods Adapters is a hybrid integration platform designed for system administrators. It enables users to track and monitor the health of the syste...Read more

Integrations Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS)

Market Share of webMethods Adapters

Current Customer(s)


Market Share (Est.)




Top Competitors and Alternatives of webMethods Adapters

The top three of webMethods Adapters’s competitors in the Integrations Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) category are MuleSoft with 37.15%, WebMethods with 10.90%, Saasler with 8.71% market share.

TechnologyDomainsMarket Share (Est.)Versus page
MuleSoft787437.15%webMethods Adapters vs MuleSoft
WebMethods231110.90%webMethods Adapters vs WebMethods
Saasler18478.71%webMethods Adapters vs Saasler
Mule ESB17308.16%webMethods Adapters vs Mule ESB
SAP Integration Suite (formerly SAP Cloud Platform)16157.62%webMethods Adapters vs SAP Integration Suite (formerly SAP Cloud Platform)
Oracle Integration Cloud9974.70%webMethods Adapters vs Oracle Integration Cloud
Workato9394.43%webMethods Adapters vs Workato
Jitterbit8023.78%webMethods Adapters vs Jitterbit
TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe)7063.33%webMethods Adapters vs TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe)
SnapLogic5662.67%webMethods Adapters vs SnapLogic
webMethods Integration Server3681.74%webMethods Adapters vs webMethods Integration Server
Dwolla2141.01%webMethods Adapters vs Dwolla Flow1710.81%webMethods Adapters vs Flow
Cleo1200.57%webMethods Adapters vs Cleo
Fr81070.50%webMethods Adapters vs Fr8
Breadwinner1000.47%webMethods Adapters vs Breadwinner
Adeptia700.33%webMethods Adapters vs Adeptia
Elastic.io660.31%webMethods Adapters vs
ConnectALL570.27%webMethods Adapters vs ConnectALL
Talend Cloud Data Integration520.25%webMethods Adapters vs Talend Cloud Data Integration

Popular Comparisons

Top Competitors and Alternatives of webMethods Adapters

The top three of webMethods Adapters’s competitors in the Integrations Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) category are MuleSoft with 37.15%, WebMethods with 10.90%, Saasler with 8.71% market share.

webMethods Adapters vs MuleSoft


webMethods Adapters vs WebMethods


webMethods Adapters vs Saasler


webMethods Adapters vs Mule ESB


webMethods Adapters vs SAP Integration Suite (formerly SAP Cloud Platform)


webMethods Adapters vs Oracle Integration Cloud


webMethods Adapters vs Workato


webMethods Adapters vs Jitterbit


Customers of webMethods Adapters

Around the world in 2024, over 168 companies have started using webMethods Adapters as Integrations Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) tool.

CustomersEmployee RangeCityRegionCountrySocial Links
Tech Mahindra Ltd10,000+PuneMaharashtraIndia
Cardinal Health10,000+DublinOhioUnited States
Canada Life10,000+TorontoOntarioCanada
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation10,000+TeaneckNew JerseyUnited States
Best Buy Co, Inc.10,000+RichfieldMinnesotaUnited States
Deloitte10,000+LondonEnglandUnited Kingdom
The Coca - Cola Company10,000+AtlantaGeorgiaUnited States
L.M. Ericsson10,000+StockholmStockholmSweden
HCL Technologies Ltd10,000+NoidaUttar PradeshIndia

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webMethods Adapters Customers by Products and Services

The top three products and services offering customers that use webMethods Adapters for Integrations Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) are Cloud Services (19), Digital Transformation (15), Cybersecurity (14).


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webMethods Adapters Customers by Employee Size

The majority of webMethods Adapters's customers for the integrations-platform-as-a-service-ipaas category fall in the company size of 10,000+ employees (58 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (32 companies), 20 - 49 employees (22 companies).

Employee Size

webMethods Adapters Customers by Geography

The top three geographies of webMethods Adapters for integrations-platform-as-a-service-ipaas are the United States with 78(56.12%), India with 19(13.67%), Singapore with 9(6.47%) customers respectively.


Employees of webMethods Adapters


Also see other Products/Services by webMethods Adapters in:

Integrations Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top webMethods Adapters competitors?

webMethods Adapters’s Top competitors in the integrations-platform-as-a-service-ipaas category are MuleSoft, WebMethods, Saasler. You can view a full list of webMethods Adapters competitors here. 6sense uses advanced data mining and AI algorithms to track customers and competitors of webMethods Adapters and 40,000 other technologies on the internet. You can also compare webMethods Adapters and its feature with top competitors here : webMethods Adapters vs MuleSoft webMethods Adapters vs WebMethods webMethods Adapters vs Saasler.

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What is webMethods Adapters customer distribution based on company size?

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What is webMethods Adapters market share in the integrations-platform-as-a-service-ipaas?

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What are the top countries that use webMethods Adapters?

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What are the top industries that use webMethods Adapters?

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Justine Lyon

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